btcinu start
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Peer Identity ms1kEwERcvP4bzn8TtcmffSBHrlQfn9izdW2KlmLXiA=
Peer Version btcinu-sdk/2/cli
Port 9033
Serving RPC on IPC /Users/username/.btcinu/btcinu.ipc
# Thank you for installing the Bitcoin Inu Node. #
# To help improve btcinu, opt in to collecting telemetry #
# by setting telemetry=true in your configuration file #
New default account created: default Account's public address:
Initializing the blockchain... Genesis block created successfully WebSocket server started at :::9033Connected to the Bitcoin Inu network
By default, the database and configuration files for the Bitcoin Inu node are created in the ~/.btcinu directory (more details in the configuration section). You can use a different directory for the database and configuration files by using the --datadir flag.
By default, your node will connect to the official Bitcoin Inu bootstrap nodes.
If you are developing and want to use a different bootstrap node, you can make the node connect to a different address with the --bootstrap flag.
Do not use a production bootstrap node that isn't offically endorsed by Bitcoin Inu, you might end up on a malicious network.
The node will now sync your local chain with the network. It might take a while for the full sync to be complete. But you can still use the node in the meantime.