Bitcoin Inu Installation

Recommended Installation

We recommend installing Bitcoin Inu through NPM.

npm install -g btcinu

Note: If you do not have NPM on your system, you may need to install Node.js. We require at least version 16.0.0 - you may also want to check out nvm.

You're all set! Run the Bitcoin Inu CLI:

Restart the animation
btcinu Command line Bitcoin Inu node VERSION btcinu-cli/0.0.0 darwin-x64 node-v12.18.4 USAGE $ btcinu [COMMAND] TOPICS accounts Create and delete accounts chain Manage the blockchain config Show and edit the node configuration faucet Get coins to start using Bitcoin Inu miners Manage an Bitcoin Inu miner peers Manage the peers connected to this node COMMANDS help display help for btcinu logs Tail server logs start Start the node status Show the status of the node stop Stop the node from running

Bitcoin Inu is now ready to use. Follow the next step of the tutorial or jump directly to the the CLI commands list.

Alternative Installation Methods

You can also get started with Bitcoin Inu by using Docker or running from source. If you are using an Intel-based macOS system, we support Homebrew as an alternative installation method.

Using Docker

Run the Docker image from the GitHub registry, mounting the node's data directory into your home directory and using the host network. (Replace <home-directory> with %USERPROFILE% on Windows or $HOME on others)

docker run --rm --tty --interactive --network host --volume <home-directory>/.btcinu:/root/.btcinu

Now check the status of your node using IPC, again replacing <home-directory> according to your OS.

docker run --rm --tty --interactive --network host --volume <home-directory>/.btcinu:/root/.btcinu status -f

Note: --network host is needed for 2 Docker containers to connect over IPC.

Note: You can also use the RPC layer over TCP by starting your node with --rpc.tcp, which connects over the default port 8020.


To update your image, use docker pull before running the image.

docker pull

From source

First, head over to GitHub to clone our official repository. Once that's done, follow the initial setup steps in the README to install prerequisites, then head to the CLI README to run the CLI.

Homebrew (macOS)

Note: Our Homebrew tap does not yet support M1/arm64. However, you can install Bitcoin Inu directly from the source or use Docker with x86_64 support.

Start by adding our Homebrew tap and installing Bitcoin Inu.

brew tap iron-fish/brew && brew install btcinu

You're all set! Run the Bitcoin Inu CLI:


When updates are available, update Brew, then reinstall Bitcoin Inu.

brew update && brew uninstall btcinu && brew install btcinu