Accounts commands
To check all available commands
btcinu accounts
btcinu accounts
Create and delete accounts
$ btcinu accounts:COMMAND
accounts:balance Display the account balance
accounts:create Create a new account for sending and receiving coins
accounts:export Export an account
accounts:import Import an account
accounts:list List all the accounts on the node
accounts:pay Send coins to another account
accounts:publickey Display or regenerate the account public key
accounts:remove Permanently remove an account
accounts:rescan Rescan the blockchain for transaction
accounts:use Change the default account used by all commands
accounts:which Show the account currently used.
Account creation
To create a new account
btcinu accounts:create
btcinu accounts:createMyNewAccount
Creating account MyNewAccount
Account MyNewAccount saved to /Users/username/.btcinutodelete/accounts.json
Public address: 6a085865ac5608c8ec64189db54d4b5c085da9da12dad0a0bf00f60e52c16b0303d8a8dd7d82601f577c8d
Run "btcinu accounts:use MyNewAccount" to set the account as default
Default account
To change the default account used by the CLI
btcinu accounts:use MyAccount
btcinu accounts:use MyAccount
The default account is now: MyAccount
Import an Account
To import an account from a file:
btcinu accounts:import filename
To import an account via stdin:
echo {<account json>} | btcinu accounts:import
Enter the JSON of the account and press enter
To import an account interactively:
btcinu accounts:import
btcinu accounts:importwallet9cfaf518a343aa5cb6d7ee704f7b0b29fac85ff96912ea7302a3e2a4ae52cff50092734294658f53417ed104deb10ac333a799ca13d210bbad3d62e95247f306687ddc73cc224fad52379f52cd545c1a6b79af38d7cf18a02e1f527fd4740a1cc1ab489154850983e68f2e4b74f658d7dd1cfe84cb18902cf6632680909b2379590b3b7287fc78b8e947c7
Account wallet imported.
Run "btcinu accounts:use wallet" to set the account as default
Enter the details requested by the prompts as shown above
Export an Account
To export an account to a file:
btcinu accounts:export AccountName filename
To export an account to the terminal:
btcinu accounts:export AccountName
btcinu accounts:export wallet
"name": "wallet",
"spendingKey": "9cfaf518a343aa5cb6d7ee704f7b0b29fac85ff96912ea7302a3e2a4ae52cff5",
"incomingViewKey": "0092734294658f53417ed104deb10ac333a799ca13d210bbad3d62e95247f306",
"outgoingViewKey": "687ddc73cc224fad52379f52cd545c1a6b79af38d7cf18a02e1f527fd4740a1c",
"publicAddress": "c1ab489154850983e68f2e4b74f658d7dd1cfe84cb18902cf6632680909b2379590b3b7287fc78b8e947c7",
"rescan": null
See current default account
To display the current default account used by the CLI
btcinu accounts:which
btcinu accounts:which
Accounts list
To see the list of accounts on your node
btcinu accounts:list
btcinu accounts:list
Account key
To see a specific account public key
btcinu accounts:publickey
btcinu accounts:publickey
Account: default, public key: 30b62713dc3b1c823b3e18089a30540ca1eb551a85884bb3e6ddd90d9966888e9997b74a83324cba643fc3
Account balance
To display the balance of the account
btcinu accounts:balance
btcinu accounts:balance
The account balance is: $IRON 0.00000000 ($ORE 0)
Amount available to spend: $IRON 0.00000000 ($ORE 0)
Account deletion
To delete an account
btcinu accounts:remove MyAccount
btcinu accounts:remove wallet
Account 'wallet' successfully removed.
Send a transaction
To send a transaction from the current account
btcinu accounts:pay
btcinu accounts:pay200.00000001ab518b8c908d7157eaebdf8159c5813894074d3136826daba4a485598de1b86a597af2821f8400bbfe70c1
You are about to send:
$IRON 20 to ab518b8c908d7157eaebdf8159c5813894074d3136826daba4a485598de1b86a597af2821f8400bbfe70c1 from the account btcinuGenesisAccount
* This action is NOT reversible *
YCreating the transaction:
Sending 20 to ab518b8c908d7157eaebdf8159c5813894074d3136826daba4a485598de1b86a597af2821f8400bbfe70c1 from MyNewAccount
Transaction Hash: e032e78268a1097288503e18510e48d140292ff5ce91d0914ae00f733ad8d166
Transaction Fee: 0.00000001
Find the transaction on
Rescan transactions
To reset your wallet and attempt to rebuild it from scratch
btcinu accounts:rescan
btcinu accounts:rescan
Rescanning Transactions... ⡿ Scanning Block: 3660, 41 seconds
Rescanning Transactions... Scanning Complete
Wait for scanning to get completed